Additional Resources
With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support.
Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK)
In Southern California, the Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK) serves families of children aged birth to 26 years of age under IDEA and other systems mandated to provide services to individuals with disabilities. As a federally-funded Parent Training and Information Center, TASK is part of a national network of centers providing similar services.
TASK promotes the belief that well-informed parents are the best advocates for their child. In order to achieve that partnership, TASK provides parent-to-parent support, one-on-one individualized telephone assistance and education and training on the educational rights of parents and their children with disabilities so they can access, in a positive manner, the education, health and social services systems and advocate at Individual Education Plan meetings in the schools. While it is an invaluable resource for parents, TASK also does not provide funds for therapy.
First 5 L.A.
First 5 L.A. was established in 1998 after California voters approved Proposition 10, an effort to fund health, safety and early education programs for children prenatal to age five through revenue from tax on tobacco products. Its mission is to increase the number of Los Angeles County children ages birth to age five who are physically and emotionally healthy, ready to learn, and safe from harm. First 5 L.A. delivers parent education and advocacy in building public support for targeted programs that address the needs of young children and their families.